Green Shores
A program of the Stewardship Centre for British Columbia, Green Shores (GS) is a solution for shoreline property owners and managers to address issues such as shoreline erosion and flooding, sea level rise, and climate change adaptation. Green Shores projects provide long-term environmental and societal benefits and promote more sustainable and resilient shoreline management in BC and the Maritimes through nature-based solutions.
In 2020, a GS assessment found that in addition to environmental benefits, GS projects ensure long-term savings: for each 1$ invested in Green Shores, $7.10 was generated in social welfare in BC (Green Shores 2020: Impact, Value and Lessons Learned).
In order to expand the reach of Green Shores, the Stewardship Centre for British Columbia has partnered with TransCoastal Adaptations. Together we are establishing Green Shores in the Maritimes by building local awareness and adapting the program to the Atlantic Coast.
Green Shores Principles
Preserve and restore physical processes such as the natural actions of water and sediment movement that maintain healthy shorelines
Maintain or enhance habitat function and diversity along the shoreline
Prevent or reduce pollutants entering the aquatic environments
Avoid or reduce cumulative impacts. Small individual effects add up to large impacts on shoreline environments
Do you have species at risk on your shoreline in kespukwitk? You may qualify for a free green shores for homes project!
Green Shores Programs
Green Shores offers the following programs to meet the needs of homeowners, commercial developers, and local government. Learn more about each program below.
Green Shores for Shoreline Development in the Maritimes
Green Shores for Shoreline Development applies to subdivisions and multi-family residential development projects, commercial waterfront development projects, waterfront infrastructure development (such as public walkways,) parks and recreational areas, and shore design including shore protection works in public spaces.
Green Shores for Homes in the Maritimes
Green Shores for Homes (GSH) is a voluntary, incentive-based rating program that provides positive steps to reduce the impact of residential development on shoreline ecosystems. GSH helps waterfront homeowners restore natural shorelines and enjoy the many recreational scenic, environmental, and shoreline protection benefits they bring.
Green Shores for Local Government in Nova Scotia
The purpose of the Nova Scotia Green Shores Local Government Group is to enhance the capacity of staff and elected officials who work with landowners and other stakeholders in shoreline planning and protection through the Green Shores program.
Green Shores Training
The Stewardship Centre for BC partners with The University of Victoria, the British Columbia Institute of Technology and with TransCoastal Adaptations to create and deliver Green Shores training. Green Shores level 1, level 2 and level 3 training are a combination of online and in the field sessions.
Green Shores Resources
Shoreline Spotlight
Want to learn more? Head over to “Resources” to subscribe to the Shoreline Spotlight, a quarterly newsletter featuring all things Green Shores!
Green Shores Webinars
Applying Nature-Based Solutions in the Foreshore
Speakers: Cori Barraclough (Aqua-Tex), Dr. Donna Marie Bilkovic (VIMS)
Practical Strategies and Lessons Learned on Nature-Based Project Implementation in the Maritimes and British Columbia
Speakers: Emilie Rose (Helping Nature Heal), Kyle Armstrong (Peninsula Streams and Shorelines)
Coastal Adaptation Toolkit - CLIMAtlantic
The Coastal Adaptation Toolkit is a robust set of tools developed by CLIMAtlantic that property owners and managers can use to determine which coastal adaptation options might work onsite! The tools were developed specifically for the conditions and regulations found in the Atlantic provinces (NS, NB, PEI & NFLD).
Native Plants for Atlantic Shorelines
Knowing what to plant on your shoreline can be a challenge, but this list of native plant species for both lakeshores and marine shorelines can help! This species list provides high-level information about which shoreline environments the species in question are typically found in, such as sun exposure and soil moisture. Both the scientific and common names are provided so you can search online for more information about the exact species you are looking for.
Nature-Based Climate Change Adaptation Resources
Lake Protection Workbook
Do your land-use practices help or harm your lake? This self-assessment addresses nine aspects of lakeshore property usage, and provides recommendations on how best to alter your practices to protect our lakes!
This workbook was created by Lake Links and Watersheds Canada in 2019 to help property owners assess and improve the protection of their lakes.
Ecology Action Centre: Living Shorelines Brochure
Green Shores® and the 5Rs for Nature-Based Coastal Adaptation
To find guides, case studies and other resources visit: Stewardship Centre for BC website.