Kayla Williams

Msc candidate, Saint Mary’s University, Supervised by tony bowron and Dr. Danika van proosdij

I recently graduated from Saint Mary's University with my Honours in Biology and have been working alongside Dr. Jeremy Lundholm in the Ecology of Plants in Communities Lab since April 2020 on my honours research. Since 2019, I've had an interest in tidal wetlands and I continued this through my research which examined the role of vegetation and depth in tidal marsh sediments in the Bay of Fundy. I compared buried carbon rates across restored (new and old) and natural, intact marshes at varying depths by taking sediment cores in the low marsh zone. I am excited to be continuing my research into tidal marshes within my Masters research alongside CB Wetlands and Environmental Specialists looking at 15 years of collected data on the natural, intact marshes. Research such as this is extremely valuable to the province with regards to climate change and carbon stocks--not only benefiting current projects but future projects as well.