Nature Based Coastal Solutions and Ecological Restoration Expo

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024, Saint Mary’s university

As part of the Nature Based Coastal Solutions and Ecological Restoration Symposium, TransCoastal Adaptations, Coastal Zone Canada and the Society for Ecological Restoration are pleased to host this free event!

The Nature Based Coastal Solutions and Ecological Restoration Expo is open to the public and will showcase nature-based climate adaptation and ecological restoration work being conducted regionally and nationally. Come join us, and check out all of our amazing sponsor booths, view symposium posters, and engage with coastal and restoration practitioners, planners, academics, and more.

This event is free but registration is required.

A cash bar will be available.

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024

5-7 pm

Saint Mary’s University, Loyola Academic Complex

Sponsor and poster expo, 2022.