WEBINAR - Engineering Considerations for Coastal Hybrid and Nature-Based Green Shores Projects
3:00 PM15:00

WEBINAR - Engineering Considerations for Coastal Hybrid and Nature-Based Green Shores Projects

Join TransCoastal Adaptations Centre for Nature-Based Solutions and the Stewardship Centre for BC for an hour-long webinar about the use of engineering designs in nature-based and hybrid Green Shores projects on coastlines. This webinar is applicable to coastal engineers, consultants, municipal staff, students, and anyone who would like to know more about the technical and hard aspects that may need to be integrated into Green Shores projects. The following two speakers will share examples of their work and talk about their experiences from projects in the Maritimes and British Columbia.


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NEW - Green Shores: Coastal Processes Training Module
10:00 AM10:00

NEW - Green Shores: Coastal Processes Training Module

Introducing a new FREE Green Shores Training Module: Coastal Processes and Application of Nature-based Erosion and Flood Management Solutions

Cost: FREE

Location: Saint Mary’s University

When: December 20th, 10am-3pm

This exciting new course will help you identify key aspects of shoreline and coastal processes relevant to sites within Nova Scotia and British Columbia and will help familiarize you with general topics related to shorelines, coastal processes and nature-based approaches to shoreline management. The overview of shoreline and coastal processes forms the basis of understanding all other aspects of shoreline stabilization and alternatives to armouring such as nature-based, Green Shores solutions.

This module is open to anyone interested in increasing their knowledge of coastal processes, for example: land use decision-makers such as local government planners, environmental coordinators and adaptation specialists; contractors; non-profit organizations who need better understanding of coastal processes in order to assess potential projects or complete project assessments, especially for nature-based erosion and flood management solutions.

To register, email us at transcoastaladaptations@smu.ca! Seats are limited.

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WEBINAR - The Importance of Biological Expertise For Green Shores Shoreline Restoration Projects
3:00 PM15:00

WEBINAR - The Importance of Biological Expertise For Green Shores Shoreline Restoration Projects

There are many aspects to consider when implementing a Green Shores project. Join the Stewardship Centre for BC, TransCoastal Adaptations Centre for Nature-Based Solutions, and our four speakers as we discuss the importance of biological expertise in the implementation of Green Shores restoration projects.

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to Aug 9

Green Shores Level 2 Training

  • Riverport & District Community Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you interested in learning how you can implement nature-based solutions on your own shores? The Green Shores program offers solutions for shoreline property owners, managers, and anyone interested in shoreline ecosystem protection to address issues like shoreline erosion, sea level rise and climate change.

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to Jul 26

Green Shores Level 2 Training

  • Riverport & District Community Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you interested in learning how you can implement nature-based solutions on your own shores? The Green Shores program offers solutions for shoreline property owners, managers, and anyone interested in shoreline ecosystem protection to address issues like shoreline erosion, sea level rise and climate change.

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Green Shores Level 1 Training
9:00 AM09:00

Green Shores Level 1 Training

  • Riverport & District Community Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you interested in learning how you can implement nature-based solutions on your own shores? The Green Shores program offers solutions for shoreline property owners, managers, and anyone interested in shoreline ecosystem protection to address issues like shoreline erosion, sea level rise and climate change.

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WEBINAR - Green Shores: Applying Nature-Based Solutions in the Foreshore
1:00 PM13:00

WEBINAR - Green Shores: Applying Nature-Based Solutions in the Foreshore

Join experts Cori Barraclough and Dr. Donna Marie Bilkovic as they discuss their work in applying Nature-Based Solutions in coastal and lakefront foreshore areas. They will share their research, methods for maximizing ecological function while maintaining shoreline stabilization, some challenges and lessons learned from working with landowners, what incentives have worked to get more projects completed, and more! 

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9:00 AM09:00

Green Shores Level 1 Training

Are you interested in learning how you can implement nature-based solutions on your own shores? The Green Shores program offers solutions for shoreline property owners, managers, and anyone interested in shoreline ecosystem protection to address issues like shoreline erosion, sea level rise and climate change.

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9:00 AM09:00

Green Shores Level 1 Training

  • Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you interested in learning how you can implement nature-based solutions on your own shores? The Green Shores program offers solutions for shoreline property owners, managers, and anyone interested in shoreline ecosystem protection to address issues like shoreline erosion, sea level rise and climate change.

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Green Shores Webinar: Practical Strategies and Lessons Learned on Nature-Based Project Implementation in the Maritimes and British Columbia
1:00 PM13:00

Green Shores Webinar: Practical Strategies and Lessons Learned on Nature-Based Project Implementation in the Maritimes and British Columbia

In this webinar, shoreline practitioners from both coasts will share their experience and lessons learned on implementation of Nature-based Solutions that are consistent with Green Shores principles. You will learn about the benefits, challenges and lessons learned through practical examples of nature-based solutions as applied in BC and the Maritimes.

This webinar will feature presentations from Kyle Armstrong of Peninsula Streams and Shoreline Society (BC) and Emillie Rose of Helping Nature Heal (NS).

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12:00 PM12:00

Eelgrass Restoration in Nova Scotia and Blue Carbon

Join us on October 25th, for the Webinar “Eelgrass Restoration in Nova Scotia and Blue Carbon”.

This webinar will feature Dr. Kristina Boerder from the Future of Marine Ecosystems (FOME) lab, at Dalhousie University. Dr. Boerder will discuss the Community Eelgrass Restoration Initiative (CERI), an initiative of FOME, and Blue Carbon in eelgrass beds.

Watch the webinar below or here.

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12:30 PM12:30

Ecology Action Centre Webinar: Wetlands on Barrens in Nova Scotia

Join this Lunch and Learn Webinar, hosted by the Ecology Action Centre for Wetlands Appreciation Week!

Less than 3% of the land area of Nova Scotia consists of "barrens", but these are high priority for conservation due to the presence of rare plants and vegetation types as well as impacts from recreational activities. Dr. Jeremy Lundholm, a research associate with TransCoastal Adaptations at SMU, will discuss barrens landscapes, their biodiversity and origins, and the presence and importance of wetlands within these landscapes.

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10:00 AM10:00

Meet the Converse Marsh!

Join us for Wetlands Appreciation Week on August 16th, 2023 for a tour of the Converse Managed Dyke Realignment and Marsh Restoration site! Learn more about tidal wetland restoration, nature-based climate change adaptation on the Chignecto Isthmus, and how the Making Room for Wetlands project is building resilience in dykeland communities.

Cost: Free!

Audience: Everyone is welcome! Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.

Tour Location: Converse Marsh

Meeting Location: The base of Fort Lawrence Road. 45.841225, -64.267917

To learn more and register for the event, please fill out the form below.

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12:30 PM12:30

Ecology Action Centre and Nature Nova Scotia Webinar: Nova Scotia Wetlands, Adaptation, and Extreme Weather

Join this Lunch and Learn Webinar, hosted by the Ecology Action Centre and Nature Nova Scotia for Wetlands Appreciation Week!

As climate change continues, the severity and frequency of extreme weather in Nova Scotia will grow, as will the need for adaptation. Dr. Danika Van Proosdij, Director of TransCoastal Adaptations Centre for Nature-based Solutions, will be discussing her work on making room for wetlands to adapt to climate change. Dr. David Patriquin, retired biology professor, will share his observations studying the wetlands in the Purcells Cove Backlands in HRM, how they’ve reacted to extreme weather events, and what this can tell us about planning for the future.

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10:30 AM10:30

Meet the Converse Marsh

Join us on July 9th, 2023 for a tour of the Converse Managed Dyke Realignment and Marsh Restoration site! Learn more about tidal wetland restoration, nature-based climate change adaptation on the Chignecto Isthmus, and how the Making Room for Wetlands project is building resilience in dykeland communities.

Cost: Free!

Audience: Everyone is welcome! Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.

Tour Location: Converse Marsh

Meeting Location: The base of Fort Lawrence Road. 45.841225, -64.267917

To learn more and register for the event, please fill out the form below.

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9:00 AM09:00

Green Shores Level 1 Training

Are you interested in learning how you can implement nature-based solutions on your own shores? The Green Shores program offers solutions for shoreline property owners, managers, and anyone interested in shoreline ecosystem protection to address issues like shoreline erosion, sea level rise and climate change.

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4:00 PM16:00

Green Shores for Homes 2023 - Coast-to-Coast Launch Event

TransCoastal Adaptations and the Stewardship Centre for BC are delighted to announce the launch of the updated Green Shores for Homes guide!

Please join us on March 15th, 2023 at 4pm (Atlantic) or 12pm (Pacific) to learn more about the updated guide.

The GSH guide is a guide for homeowners, landscape designers, construction professionals and shoreline practitioners to help minimize the environmental impacts of shoreline development.

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12:00 PM12:00

Reef Balls & Restoration - From Subtidal to Intertidal

Join us on January 25th, for the first TransCoastal Adaptations Webinar of 2023: Reef Balls and Restoration - From Subtidal to Intertidal.

This webinar will feature projects from the Clean Foundation, and how reef balls are being used in restoration and nature-based solutions in Nova Scotia.

Watch the Webinar recording here:

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12:00 PM12:00

The Living Dyke - Innovation and collaboration to manage coastal flood risk and adapt to changing conditions in Boundary Bay

Join us on October 26th, for the next TransCoastal Adaptations Webinar: The Living Dyke - Innovation and collaboration to manage coastal flood risk and adapt to changing conditions in Boundary Bay.

This webinar will feature four speakers, presenting an introduction to the Semiahmoo First Nation and First Nation communities in BC Lower Mainland, a geographic background, and a dive into the Boundary Bay Living Dyke project.

Register for the Zoom event here.

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11:00 AM11:00

Shore Up Webinar

  • https://smu-ca.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kcumsqzwoEtxtX204-kHEMpek2VUMzbBh (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

TCA has partnered with Helping Nature Heal to host an upcoming webinar on Helping Nature Heal’s Shore Up workshop program.

Shore Up is a hands-on community-based workshop that teaches nature-based strategies to slow down shoreline erosion and enhance biodiversity and ecosystem health. The Shore Up workshop is for ENGOs, municipalities, government, and community groups who want to learn how to create more resilient shorelines as our climate changes and sea levels rise.

This upcoming webinar is an opportunity to learn more about Shore Up, the techniques that Helping Nature Heal has been applying to the shorelines of the Maritimes for over 20 years, and how your organization can benefit from Shore Up training and creating resilient shorelines.

Click here to register for this Zoom event!

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11:00 AM11:00

Making Room for Wetlands: In Review

  • https://smu-ca.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcuf-mqrzMtEtxWedPlgdVJbFf8f8eYLaRw (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As a follow-up from our popular Making Room for Wetlands webinar last year, we would like to invite you to "Making Room for Wetlands: In Review." This webinar will feature four talks about the Making Room for Wetlands project.

Register for the Zoom event here: https://smu-ca.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcuf-mqrzMtEtxWedPlgdVJbFf8f8eYLaRw

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to Jun 16

Coastal Zone Canada Conference 2021

  • Transcoastal Adaptations (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

TransCoastal Adaptations will be presenting on various projects with partners at the upcoming Coastal Zone Canada Conference from June 13-16.

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JUNE 13-16, 2021

Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit:

Planning and Preparing for the Future

Session 1B: Practical Delivery of Nature-Based Shoreline Solutions: Boots on the Ground

Monday, June 14 - 10:30 AM EST | Stage: Nunavut Wildlife Management Board

Part 1: Scaling up Green Shores in BC and the Maritimes

Speakers: Ms. DG Blair1 , Dr. Danika van Proosdij2 (1. Stewardship Centre BC, 2. Saint Mary's University)

Part 2: Design-Build Considerations for Nature-Based Shoreline Solutions

Speakers: Ms. Morgan Tidd1 , Mr. Keyvan Mahlujy1 (1. Golder Associates Ltd)

Part 3: Design Charrette

Speakers: Mr. Phil Osborne1 , Mr. Danker Kolijn2 , Ms. DG Blair3 , Dr. Danika van Proosdij4 , Mr. Rowland Atkins1 (1. Golder Associates Ltd, 2. DHI Water & Environment Inc., 3. Stewardship Centre BC, 4. Saint Mary's University)

Session 5A: Making Room for Movement: A Framework for Implementing Nature-Based Adaptation Strategies in Nova Scotia’s Coastal Zone

Tuesday, June 15 - 10:30 AM EST | Stage: MEOPAR

Making Room for Movement: A Framework for Implementing Nature-Based Adaptation Strategies in Nova Scotia’s Coastal Zone

Dr. Danika van Proosdij1 (1. Saint Mary's University)

Governing and Planning for Nature-Based Adaptation in the Coastal Zone

Dr. Patricia Manuel1 (1. School of Planning, Dalhousie University)

Framing Coastal Climate Changes: Communicating Adaptation with Coastal Residents for Future Generations

Ms. Krysta Sutton1 (1. School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University)

Strategizing the Implementation of Nature-Based Coastal Adaptation: A Practitioners Perspective

Dr. Tuihedur Rahman1 (1. McGill University)

Session 8A: Design and Implementation of Nature-Based Solutions for Coastal Climate Change Adaptation in Bay of Fundy Dykelands

Wednesday, June 16 - 10:30 AM | Stage: MEOPAR

Potential for Integration of Foreshore Marsh into Dyke Engineering Design

Dr. Danika van Proosdij1 (1. Saint Mary's University)

Development of a Decision Tool for Managed Realignment and Tidal Wetland Restoration for Nova Scotia’s Dykeland System

Ms. Jennifer Graham1 (1. CBWES Inc.)

Managed Realignment and Living Shoreline as Nature-based adaptations in Nova Scotia’s Bay of Fundy

Ms. Kirsten Ellis1 (1. CBWES)

Hydrodynamic Modelling of Managed Dyke Realignment for Flood Mitigation in a Tidal River Estuary and Floodplain

Ms. Julia Purcell1 (1. Saint Mary's University)

CZC TransCoastal Adaptations
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2:00 PM14:00

Chignecto Isthmus Virtual Stakeholder Workshop

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As part of the Nature-Based Infrastructure for Coastal Resilience and Risk Reduction project, TransCoastal Adaptations will convene stakeholders and project partners on May 20th to provide project updates, and discuss the potential design and deployment of managed realignment in the Chignecto Isthmus.

This workshop will be hosted virtually through Zoom, and the link to join will be sent to all participants once they have registered for the event.

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9:00 AM09:00

Managed Dyke Realignment Workshop: Implementation and Monitoring

Session 3: Implementation and Monitoring

TransCoastal Adaptations is hosting a three-part Managed Dyke Realignment workshop series as part of our project Making Room for Wetlands: Implementation of Managed Realignment for Salt Marsh Restoration and Climate Change Adaptation in Nova Scotia.

This workshop will focus on three components of Managed Dyke Realignment and will bring together key researchers and practitioners from Europe and North America. The purpose of this workshop is to connect practitioners and share Managed Realignment Best Practices, lessons learned, and innovations in design and monitoring. Through knowledge sharing with European counterparts, we hope to establish managed realignment as a key nature-based adaptation strategy.

watch the event recording


Colin Scott - Managed Realignment in the UK: a Brief History

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Colin is an Associate consultant at ABPmer with 28 years’ experience in environmental consultancy. He specialises in advising on coastal habitat creation and restoration projects. He provides advice on selecting sites, designing schemes, securing consents for them and then monitoring how they perform. He also places a high degree of emphasis on communicating the lessons from completed projects by presenting and hosting conferences and training events as well as by managing and updating ABPmer’s online database (www.omreg.net) of completed restoration projects.


Jonathan Dale - Field-Based Monitoring to Assess the Influence of Former Land Use on the Post-Breach Morphological Development of Managed Realignment Schemes


Jonathan Dale is a geomorphologist based at Coventry University, UK. His research investigates the sedimentological evolution of coastal wetland restoration schemes through analysis of the hydrodynamics, surface and sub-surface physicochemical properties, and morphological change. Jonathan has applied these approaches to assess the impact site design and former land use have on the physical functioning of restored intertidal sites, in order to ensure the long-term delivery of the targeted range of ecosystem services.


Jennie Graham - Lessons Learned: Implementing Managed Realignment and Restoring Tidal Wetlands in Nova Scotia


Jennie is the Vice President and Senior Restoration Specialist at CB Wetlands and Environmental Specialists (CBWES Inc.), and focuses primarily on hydrology restoration design, with expertise in GIS analysis, field methodologies, and project management.

Jennie has a M.Sc. in Applied Science and an advanced diploma in Remote Sensing, and has contributed to the restoration of several hundred hectares of coastal wetlands over the past 8 years. She has co-authored scientific and technical papers, presented research at scientific conferences, and helped to supervise and guide students involved in projects at various sites.


TransCoastal Adaptations Team - Panelists


The TransCoastal Adaptations team includes Dr. Danika Van Proosdij, professor at Saint Mary's University, and Tony Bowron, CEO of CB Wetlands and Environmental Specialists and experienced tidal wetland restoration practitioner.

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9:00 AM09:00

Managed Dyke Realignment Workshop: Managed Dyke Realignment Design

Session 2: Managed Dyke Realignment Design

TransCoastal Adaptations is hosting a three-part Managed Dyke Realignment workshop series as part of our project Making Room for Wetlands: Implementation of Managed Realignment for Salt Marsh Restoration and Climate Change Adaptation in Nova Scotia.

This workshop will focus on three components of Managed Dyke Realignment and will bring together key researchers and practitioners from Europe and North America. The purpose of this workshop is to connect practitioners and share Managed Realignment Best Practices, lessons learned, and innovations in design and monitoring. Through knowledge sharing with European counterparts, we hope to establish managed realignment as a key nature-based adaptation strategy.

Watch the event recording


Dr. Jon French - Estuary-Scale Hydrodynamic Impacts of Managed Realignment


Professor Jon French recently completed a 5-year term as Head of UCL Department of Geography, where he also directs the Coastal and Estuarine Research Unit. His interests include coastal and estuarine hydrodynamics and morphodynamics, hazards to coastal infrastructure, and climate change adaptation modelling. Recent projects have included ‘Integrating Coastal Sediment Systems’ (iCOASST) (NERC); ‘Toolkit to improve resilience of critical ports and dependent national supply chain systems against extreme storm surge events’ (NERC); and ‘Coastal resilience in the face of sea-level rise’ (NERC SPF UK Climate Resilience Programme). Jon has extensive consultancy experience in areas including estuary hydrodynamics and modelling; flood defence management; port dredging; submarine geohazards; and critical infrastructure at the coast.


Joshua Kiesel - Effective Design of Managed Realignment Schemes Can Reduce Coastal Flood Risks

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Joshua Kiesel is a coastal and marine geographer interested in the ecology and functioning of oceans and coasts. He is a lecturer and PhD student at the Department of Geography, Kiel University. His work focuses on coastal restoration and specifically the effectiveness of wetlands in reducing flood risk. Since November 2020, he is working in the ECAS-Baltic project, exploring the potential of ecosystem-based coastal protection for the German Baltic Sea coast. His expertise involves airborne- and ground-based coastal and marine vegetation surveys, field measurements and modelling of coastal hydrodynamics, as well as GIS and statistics based data analyses. In summer 2015, he joined the research expedition with the German research icebreaker RV Polarstern to the central Arctic Ocean and the North Pole, where he measured sedimentary oxygen uptake rates and associated environmental drivers in shelf and deep-sea sediments.


Dr. Stijn Temmerman - Eco-Geomorphic Modelling to Support Design of Tidal Marsh Creation by Managed Realignment

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Dr. Stijn Temmerman is a geographer studying impacts of global change on coasts and river landscapes, and how ecosystems and human society can mitigate and adapt to global change. Coasts and river landscapes are hotspots of biodiversity and human activity that are impacted by sea level rise, changing storm and rainfall patterns, floods and erosion risks, human landscape engineering, etc. Living himself just above sea level, he likes to contribute to science-based solutions to mitigate global and local impacts on coastal and riverine socio-ecological systems. This involves studies on nature-based mitigation of climate impacts, such as flood risk reduction by marshes and mangroves; climate change mitigation by carbon storage in tidal wetlands; resilience of coastal ecosystems to sea level rise, storms and human impacts.


Jennie Graham - Panelist


Jennie Graham is the Vice President and Senior Restoration Specialist at CB Wetlands and Environmental Specialists (CBWES Inc.), and primarily focuses on hydrology restoration design, with expertise in GIS analysis, field methodologies, and project management.

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9:00 AM09:00

Managed Dyke Realignment Workshop: Foreshores for Climate Risk Reduction

Session 1: Foreshores for Climate Risk Reduction

TransCoastal Adaptations is hosting a three-part Managed Dyke Realignment workshop series as part of our project Making Room for Wetlands: Implementation of Managed Realignment for Salt Marsh Restoration and Climate Change Adaptation in Nova Scotia.

This workshop will focus on three components of Managed Dyke Realignment and will bring together key researchers and practitioners from Europe and North America. The purpose of this workshop is to connect practitioners and share Managed Realignment Best Practices, lessons learned, and innovations in design and monitoring. Through knowledge sharing with European counterparts, we hope to establish managed realignment as a key nature-based adaptation strategy.

Watch the Event Recording



Dr. Iris Möller - The Empirical Evidence Base for Salt Marsh Resilience, Water Level, and Wave Reduction

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Prof Iris Möller is Head of Department of Geography within the School of Natural Sciences at Trinity College, where she leads a coastal research group. She is internationally recognised for her research on the buffering function of coastal wetland environments with a strongly applied focus on improving coastal flood and erosion risk management. Prior to taking up her current position late in 2019, she was Deputy Director of the University of Cambridge’s Coastal Research Unit (CCRU) and University Lectureship in Physical Geography (Coastal Processes) at the Department of Geography at Cambridge. She collaborates across the EU, UK, China, Australia, and the USA on projects that aim to develop a better understanding of how coastal wetlands function and deliver a range of ecosystem services.


Dr. Bas Borsje - Pushing Boundaries: Realizing Resilient and Climate-Proof Coastal Protection


Dr. ir. Bas Borsje is an expert in the field of Building with Nature, more specifically in nature-based coastal protection. Bas holds a master in Civil Engineering (cum laude), a PhD in Ecological Engineering (cum laude), a VENI grant in Nature-based flood protection, was nominated as New Scientist young research talent (top 5) in 2016 and is PI of the NWA-ORC project "Living Dikes" from 2020 onwards.

Bas' research group consists of 10 PhD students (3 finalised, 4 ongoing and 3 vacant) and 6 postdocs (3 finished, 2 ongoing and 1 vacant). For all positions, he was (co-)applicant and/or member of the core writing team (see projects). Moreover, he supervised 40 MSc students and 11 BSc students.

In 2016, Bas became an elected member and in 2019 he became chair of the Young Wadden Academy (YWA). The YWA consists of 5 excellent young Dutch and German scientists with outspoken views about science and scholarship and related policies. The YWA’s main tasks are (i) to encourage young researchers to study the Wadden Sea region through the organization of a yearly conference, (ii) to stimulate interdisciplinary Wadden-related research via joint MSc projects and (iii) to develop a vision with regards to science and governance of this UNESCO world heritage site.

Dr. Vincent Vuik - Vegetated Foreshores in Hydraulic Engineering Practice

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Vincent Vuik is a coastal engineer specialized in flood risk and nature-based solutions. He performed his PhD research at Delft University of Technology. He investigated the flood risk reduction potential of vegetated foreshores, such as salt marshes and mangrove forests. At such foreshores, waves, sediment, vegetation and the interactions between these components are of main importance. Vincent has measured wave propagation over vegetated foreshores in the field during severe storms. Further, he has modelled the dominant hydrodynamic and morphological processes, and applied state-of-the-art probabilistic methods for extreme value analysis. Currently, he is part-time employed at HKV Consultants, a Dutch company focusing on water-related consultancy, and part-time at Delft University of Technology.

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